Friday, 21 March 2014

25 Ways To Communicate Respect To Your Husband

Actions speak louder than words. You can say you respect your husband, but he’ll have a hard time believing that unless your behavior backs it up.
What does respectful living look like? Here are 25 ways you can communicate respect to your spouse without uttering a word. If you’ll make it your habit to do these things, the next time you tell your husband how much you respect him, he won’t have to wonder if you really mean it.

Choose Joy
It’s true: A happy wife makes a happy life. Please don’t use moodiness as an attempt to manipulate your man, but in all things rejoice, because that’s the right thing to do. (1 Thessaonians 5:16; Philippians 4:4)

Honor His Wishes
Give weight to what your husband thinks is important. Make those things a priority that matter most to him, whether it’s having dinner ready when he gets home from work or keeping the house tidy or limiting computer time. Don’t make him ask twice. (Philippians 2:4)

Give Him Your Undivided Attention
Yes, I know that women are masters of multi-tasking, but when your husband is speaking to you, make a point to lay other tasks aside, look into his eyes, and listen to what he is saying with the goal of understanding and remembering his words.

Don’t Interrupt
Have you ever been around a person who won’t let you finish a sentence? That gets old fast. Even if you think you already know what your husband is going to say, allowing him to say it without cutting him off mid-sentence shows both respect and common courtesy.

Emphasize His Good Points
Sure, he has his faults (as do you), but dwelling on them will only make you (both) miserable. Choose instead to focus on those qualities in your husband that you most admire. (Philippians 4:cool

Pray for Him
Ruth Graham advises wives to “tell your mate the positive, and tell God the negative.” Take your concerns to God. Faithfully lift up your husband in prayer every day, and you will likely notice a transformation not only in him, but in yourself, as well. (Philipians 4:6-7; 1 Thessalonians 5:17)

Don’t Nag
Your husband is a grown man, so don’t treat him like a two-year-old. Leave room for God to work. You are not the Holy Spirit, so do not try to do His job.

Be Thankful
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Don’t take your husband for granted. Be appreciative for everything he does for you, whether big or small. Always say thank you. (1 Thessalonians 5:18; Ephesians 5:20)

Smile at Him
Smiles spread happiness. Smiles have even been shown to create happiness. Smiles are contagious. And a smile makes any woman more beautiful.

Respond Physically
Did you know that the way you respond (or don’t respond) to your husband’s romantic overtures has a profound effect on his self-confidence? Don’t slap him away when he tries to hug you or make excuses when he’s in the mood. Your enthusiastic cooperation and reciprocation will not only assure him of your love, but will make him feel well-respected, too. (1 Corinthians 7:3-5)

Eyes Only for Him
Don’t compare your husband unfavorably to other men, real or imaginary. It is neither fair nor respectful and will only breed trouble and discontent. Avoid watching movies or reading books that might cause you to stumble in this area, as well. (Psalm 19:14; Proverbs 4:23)

Kiss Him Goodbye
I once read about a study done in Germany which found that men whose wives kissed them goodbye every morning were more successful than those who weren’t kissed. Success and respect often go hand-in-hand, so be sure to send him off right, and don’t forget to greet him with a kiss when he returns home, for good measure. (2 Corinthians 13:12)

Prepare His Favorite Foods
Although the rest of the family is not overly-fond of spaghetti, my husband loves it, so I try to make it at least two or three times a month as a way to honor him. Next time you’re planning meals, give special consideration to your husband’s preferences. (Proverbs 31:14-15)

Cherish Togetherness
I love to sit near my husband, whether at home or away. Our church shares potluck dinners every Sunday afternoon, and although the men and women normally sit separately to visit, I like to position myself close enough to my husband that I can listen to the conversation, as I think everything he says is so interesting. At home, I’ll take my book or handwork to whatever room in the house he’s working in, just to be close to him, because I enjoy his company, even when neither of us is talking.

Don’t Complain
Nobody wants to be around a whiner or complainer. It is grating on the nerves. Remember the serenity prayer: accept the things you can’t change, courageously change the things you can, seek wisdom to know the difference. (Philippians 2:14)

Resist the Urge to Correct
I know one wife whose spouse can’t tell a story without her stopping him fifteen times to correct inconsequential details: “It wasn’t Monday evening, it was Monday afternoon…. It wasn’t blue, it was turquoise…. He didn’t ride the bus, he took a shuttle.” Please. Please. Please. Don’t ever do that to your husband — or to anyone else, for that matter! (Proverbs 17:28)

Dress to Please Him
Take care of your appearance. Choose clothes your husband finds flattering, both in public and around the house.

Keep the House Tidy
To the best of your abilities, try to maintain a clean and orderly home. Seek to make it a haven of rest for your entire family. (Proverbs 31:27)

Be Content
Do not pressure your husband to keep up with the Jonses. Take satisfaction in the lifestyle he is able to provide for you. (1 Timothy 6:6-10; Hebrews 13:5)

Take His Advice
Do not dismiss his opinions lightly, especially when you’ve asked for his counsel in the first place. Make every effort to follow your husband’s advice.

Admire Him
Voiced compliments and heartfelt praise are always welcome, but you should also make it your habit to just look at your husband in a respectful, appreciative way. Think kind thoughts toward him. He’ll be able to see the admiration in your eyes. (Luke 6:45)

Protect His Name
Honor your husband in the way you speak of him to family and friends. Guard his reputation and do not let minor disagreements at home cause you to speak ill of him in public. Live in such a way that it will be obvious to others why your husband married you in the first place. (Proverbs 12:4; 22:1)

Forgive His Shortcomings
In the words of Ruth Bell Graham, “A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers.” Please do not hold grudges against your husband. Do not allow a root of bitterness or resentment find a home in your heart. Forgive your husband freely, as Christ has forgiven you. (Mark 11:25; Matthew 18:21-35)

Don’t Argue
You are not always right, and you do not always have to have the last word. Be the first to say, “I’m sorry.” Be willing to accept the blame. It takes two to argue, so “abandon a quarrel before it breaks out.” (Proverbs 17:14; 21:19; 25:24)

Follow His Lead
If you want your husband to lead, you must be willing to follow. Neither a body nor a family can function well with two heads. Learn to defer to your husband’s wishes and let final decisions rest with him. (Ephesians 5:22-24)
Proverbs 18:22 tells us, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” Do these 25 things consistently, and your husband will never have trouble believing that fact.

Photos: D'banj Unveils Koko Garri At One Campaign Launch

One Ambassador D'banj unveiled his new product, Koko Garri, at the One Do Agric Campaign launch which held today at the Transcorp Hilton in Abuja, as the first intended product to come out from his company, Koko Holdings.

John Okafor Want Government To Stop Giving Artistes Money

Popular actor, John Okafor, in a recent chat with Punch, criticised the recent visit of the Actors’ Guild of Nigeria to President Jonathan.
Okafor, popularly known as Mr Ibu, said he had beef with those who went to visit the president because the president is yet to set his priorities right with regard to Nollywood.
“The government should stop giving Actors’ Guild cash, because we don’t know how to handle it. Some people will go to the office, process the money and squander it and we (actors) never benefit from such goodwill.
“If they (government) can give us a structure or land, we (actors) can go ahead and secure funds from investors to build five-star hotels and other facilities on it, because it will be a tourist haven. We can bring the Nigerian Censor’s board into the same arena. How can we be paying N50,000 to have one movie censored and then generate N5m from over 100 movies produced in a month and yet there aren’t any structures in place for Nollywood? “With such amount of money, government should be able to cater for us. If this is done, the industry will make a giant stride.”

Okafor also talked about homosexuality in the Nollywood industry...
“Homosexuality is very rampant in our industry and it is one thing that aggravates my anger many at times,” he reveals.
He talks about fans not taking him seriously because of the 'unserious roles' he plays in the movies.
“Many people do not take me seriously because of the kind of roles I play in movies. But the truth is that those who know me very well know that I am a very focused and principled person.
“In fact, I teach and mentor many upcoming actors and also organise workshops and seminars regularly for them.”
He recalls when he knew he would be an actor.
“I think I got the gift of acting from my grandfather. I discovered this in the early 70s. My grandfather was a foremost comedian in his own right. Back in the days, he would take me to places where he performed. Growing up, I realised that I was going to become an actor somehow,” he recalled.
Okafor says acting has not made him rich
“Acting has not made me rich, but I’m very comfortable. I am able to feed and adequately take care of my family; neither do I borrow money.
“It has also opened many doors for me and it has taken me far and wide beyond my wildest imagination. It has exposed me to certain level where I can say that God has done it for me.”

10 Most Expensive Pets In The World

If there are the highest paid people around the world,
there are also the most expensive animals – those that
have been bought for millions and millions of dollars. If
you are wondering what these creatures are and how
expensive they are, take a look at this list of the top 10
most expensive animals in the world.

10. Toucan – $5,000 to $10,000

The name Toucan has been derived from the
Portuguese term ‘Tupi tucana’. This majestic bird is
found in different locations, including Central and
South America, the Caribbean, and Southern Mexico.
They are extremely popular for their large and very
colorful bills. The family currently has forty different
While the legs of the Toucan are short, they are very
strong and sturdy. Their toes come in pairs, with the
first and the fourth being turned in a backward position.
The feathers of these magnificent creatures are often
black with yellow, crimson, and white patches. These
beauties are being sold for a minimum of $5,000, but
the price can go up to $10,000.

9. De Brazza’s Monkey – $7,000 to $10,000

De Brazza’s Monkeys, also commonly referred to as
swamp monkeys, are found in the wetlands of Central
Africa. These creatures got their name from the French
explorer, Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza. They are very
hard to locate because of their superior and innate
hiding abilities. They have a life span of about 22

8. Hyacinth Macaw- $14,000
Priced at an average of $14,000, the Hyacinth Macaw
is not only the biggest macaw species, but it is also the
world’s largest flying parrot. It stands tallest of all the
other species of parrots known to man. This parrot is
native to the eastern and central regions of South
America. However, because of their extreme popularity
as home pets, their population in the wild has taken a
heavy blow.
The Hyacinth Macaw has an extremely powerful beak
that is uses to eat foods like seeds and other hard
nuts. The beak of these birds is so strong that they can
even crack the hard shell of a coconut. Aside from
these, the parrots also eat vegetables as well as fruits.
For pet owners, they often feed their parrots with pine

7. Palm Cockatoo – $16,000

The palm cockatoo is known for its black or smoky
grey color and the visible red spot on its head. This
parrot is the sole member of the bird’s monotypic
species known as Probosciger and associate family. It
stands 55 to 60 cm (22 to 24 inches) tall and weighs
around 910 to 1,200 grams. It was originally described
by Gmelin, a German natural scientist way back in
1788. This unique bird, featuring a large crest, is also
one of the parrot species that have very large bills. The
average price of a Palm Cockatoo is $16,000

6. Stag Beetle – $89,000

The stag beetle is quite the strange species, which
makes it even more expensive. It is characterized for
its red and blood-like curling mandibles and antlers
protruding from its black head. This particular beetle is
a member of the Lucanidae family that currently has
1,200 insect species. The average-sized stag beetle
measures around 2 to 3 inches in length. However, the
one that was brought to a retailer had a length of more
than 3 inches. The Japanese breeder was able to sell
his beetle for a whopping price of $89,000. He got his
money on the spot for this weird, but rare creature.

5. White Lion Cubs – $138,000

The white lion clubs come from an extremely rare lion
breed. White lions can be found, but only rarely, in the
South African wildlife reserve. They are not considered
to be a separate subspecies yet, so it was declared
that they are home-grown to South Africa’s Timbavati
region. The Global White Lion Protection Trust has
reported that there are now only around 300 living
white lions world-wide.

4. Sir Lancelot Encore – $155,000
Sir Lancelot Encore is a result of a dog-cloning
procedure. Edgar and Nina Otto, the Florida couple
who owned the world-famous Lancelot, decided to
clone his DNA after losing him in 2008 because of
cancer. The result is Sir Lancelot Encore, who made
them the winners of the Bio-arts auction that took
place in San Francisco.

3. Tibetan Mastiff – $582,000

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the most costly dogs that
you can take home as a pet. The average price of this
particular breed runs to about $582,000. In addition to
being very expensive, it is also one of the largest dog
breeds worldwide. The largest of their breed has been
reported to stand more than 32 inches tall, with a
weight of over 150 lbs. These dogs come in varying
colors, including black, brown, red and gray. Pure
white Tibetan Mastiffs have also been reported, but
they are extremely rare.
Unlike many other breeds, these extremely expensive
dogs are known for not having the same unpleasant
odor that many dog owners encounter. In fact, they
have long since been respected as guardians of farm
animals. They are extremely protective, with some
having killed tigers before to safeguard their flock.

2. Miss Missy – $1,200,000

Miss Missy is a white Holstein Cow now aged three
years old. Back in 2009, she won the Western Fall
National Show North America’s Grand Champion title.
This is actually one of the most renowned animal
shows worldwide. Since she ended up as a champion,
a lot of people rushed to buy her. Her owner paid
$1,200,000 to get her home. With this being said, it
should no longer come as a surprise to you that she
holds the world record for being the most expensive
cow to have ever been sold.

1. Green Monkey – $16,000,000

If you thought that this is the world’s most expensive
monkey, think again. The Green Monkey is actually a
horse. This race horse was purchased by Demi
O’Byrne at the Calder Race Course while it was still a
2-year old. With its descendants being Kentucky Derby
champions, it only made sense that the auction winner
had high hopes for the horse. Unfortunately, a race
has never been won by this multi-million dollar animal.
It retired officially on the 12 of February, 2008. Being
worth $16,000,000, there is no denying the fact that
Green Monkey gets the top rank in this list of the 10
most expensive animals known today.

Five Animals That Can Live Incredibly Long


As medicine, society and science advance, our life expectancy continues to rise. More people are living to be over 100 years of age than ever before, diseases that were previously fatal are now nothing more than a nuisance, and with the advent of new technology, many people are hoping that they will be able to use technology to increase the length of their lives, or possibly even live forever as a computer. But while we think it’s great to live to be 90, some of the animal kingdom are laughing in our baby faces. Below are five animals that put human birthday cakes to shame.

Freshwater Pearl Mussels

It is thought that around 90% of the freshwater pearl (Margaritifera margaritifera) populations can be found around Scandinavia. They are generally very tough creatures that can adapt to new environments quite easily, so climate, geological, physical, biological or even chemical change won’t affect these creatures as much as others. But despite this, their numbers have been declining for many years now. Those that do survive are the toughest of the bunch, and have likely seen a great variety of ecosystems, as many of these mussels have been found to be over 250 years of age, making them possibly the oldest creatures in Europe.

Tortoises (Testudinidae) are famed for being long-lived. An average healthy tortoise could live to be about 150 years old, but this of course also depends on the type of tortoise in question. The oldest known tortoise, however, lived long past that. Adwaita was the pet of British General Robert Clive, before he was brought to a zoo in Kolkata (formerly Calcutta) where he spent the next 130 years of his life. It’s impressive enough in its on right that by the time Adwaita died, nobody working in the zoo was even born when he first arrived. His death was a result of a crack that developed in his shell, which was then carbon dated. Scientists placed his age at over 250 years old, many sources saying 255, others, 257.3

Ocean Quahog
Ocean quahogs are a type of clam found mainly around the Scottish coast. Unsurprisingly, the generally don’t move much, burrow into sand or mud, using their gills to siphon in food and oxygen. To avoid being eaten, they can burrow deep into the seabed, and live there for extended periods of time without needing to come up for food or oxygen. Over the past few decades, ocean trawlers have resulted in their numbers being reduced by about 50% by either damaging the clams or leaving them vulnerable to predators. This will of course result in a lot fewer of them living to their full age. It’s not unusual for these animals to live to be over 400 years old, and one was even found that was 500 years of age.

Re: Five Animals That Can Live Incredibly Long by Jultee(m): 6:30am On Mar 20

Antarctic Sponge

Many people may not even realize that sponges are animals, but they are (otherwise how would Spongebob make any sense?). Obviously, sponges don’t do much, with some moving less than 1 millimeter a day, so it should come as no surprise that they grow excruciatingly slowly, like many of the other entries on this list. Their slow rate of growth results in them living such long lives. There are somewhere between 5 and 10 thousand species of sponge, with most of them living anywhere from 3 months to 20 years. The Antarctic sponge, on the other hand, lives much longer, with one specimen estimated to be a respectable 1,550 years old.


This particular entry may not come as a surprise to some of you, as it has gained a lot of fame within the past year. And for good reason. To look at, the Turritopsis nutricula is nothing spectacular. Newborns are about 1mm, with 8 tentacles, while adults are about 4.5 with up to 90 tentacles. Originally from the Caribbean, these little tykes can now be found all over the world. But there is potential for trouble in the future, as they may just keep breeding and breeding. What makes them unique, not just among jellyfish, but all living things, is that they can revert back to intimate immaturity. The jellyfish are born, and grow like any other animal, but when they reach a certain age, they can revert back to the polyp stage and begin growing all over again.

Source: :

World Cup Slots: NFF Earmarks N138m For Aki, Pawpaw

Following the discovery of the $800,000 (about N138.4 million) the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has set aside to sponsor 10 Nigerians in the entertainment industry to cheer the Super Eagles during the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Nollywood stars have turned the Glass House to a Mecca of some sort to lobby to be among the beneficiaries.

In the financial plan presented to the National Assembly, the NFF had revealed its decision to invite the duo of Chinedu Ikedieze and Osita Iheme, popularly called Aki and Pawpaw and eight other Nigerians in the entertainment industry for the world football fiesta in June.

Although sources at the federation told Daily Sunsports in confidence that the federation has been receiving several calls from Nollywood stars indicating interest in joining the diminutive duo, others took the bull by the horn by storming the Glass House yesterday to parley with management.

The federation yesterday received in audience four Nollywood stars who allegedly came to make case for themselves

Confirming the high-powered lobbying, our source explained that the Nollywood stars stormed the office of the General Secretary, Barrister Musa Amadu for a brief discussion before meeting with the Director of Competition Dr. Salisu Mohammed. 

Thursday, 20 March 2014

World Most Expensive Currencies

Whenever the word currency is spoken, A dollar or pounds floats in front of our eyes. A currency is nothing but the money, also known as medium of exchange which is commonly used in a particular nation for transaction between an individual and business.

You can judge value of the product of your country because we are very much aware about currency value of our country. But if you are traveling form one country to another, before your flight departs you need to exchange your currencies notes with respect to currency of destination country. So when you reach there it becomes little bit difficult for you to purchase any product in unknown country because we are not much aware about pricing rate and currency value for that country.

Standard currency such as united state dollar (USD), Pound sterling (GBP) and euro (EUR) are commonly used in foreign exchange market and mostly exchange rates calculation are made with respect to this currency. There are many more currency which are more valuable than US dollar, pound and euro. But it doesn’t mean that doing investment in high value currency will give you good return or country with higher value currency is having good economic health of that country. 10 most expensive currencies whose values are calculated against dollar are listed below:

1. Kuwaiti Dinar (1 KWD= 3.55 USD)

In an area slightly smaller than New Jersey, lies the home of the world’s most valuable currency. Dinar is the currency of Kuwait which is the highest value currency in the world. Kuwait is located at western Asia. Capital of Kuwait is Kuwait city. Currency code is represented by KWD and it is further subdivided into 1000 fils. It holds the highest value of currency in the world.The Value of 1 KWD is equal to 3.55USD. Kuwait is oil rich gulf country which from long years back. Earlier gulf rupee was used as currency but in 1961 dinar replaces the gulf rupee and it was almost equivalent to sterling pound. Kuwait currency value is on the top because of oil export across the world.
Kuwait has been involved in talks this year with five other Gulf Arab monarchies to form a single currency. The Kuwait currency is currently pegged to the dollar.

2. Bahrain Dinar (1 BHD= 2.65 USD)
A small island nation, approximately 3.5 times the size of Washington DC, Bahrain is geographically central in relation to its Persian Gulf neighbors. Its industry relies on petroleum production and refining, as well as financial services and construction. With an exchange rate to the US dollar at around $2.65 for one Bahraini Dinar, second valuable currency in the world. It’s also expected to be relatively steady, as it was officially pegged to the dollar in 2001.

3. Omani Rial (1 OMR = 2.60 USD)

Currency of Oman is Rial. Oman is officially called as sultanate of Oman and is Arab state located in southwest Asia. Capital of Oman is Muscat. Omani riyal is third most valuable currency in the world. Currency code of Oman is OMR. Value of 1 OMR is equal to 2.60552 USD. In 1970, the currency of Oman was made by Rial Saidi. Oman is also an oil reach country, deals with petroleum production and refining. Major business of Oman is export of crude oil.

4. Latvian Lats (1 LVL= 1.97 USD)
Currency of Latvia is Latvian Lats and Latvia is located at Baltic region of Northern Europe. Riga is the capital of Latvia. Currency code of Latvian lats is LVL and abbreviated as Ls. Value of 1 LVL is equal to 1.97 USD.In 1922 Lats was first introduced, replaced Latvian rubils.Latvian Lats is the fourth most valuable currency in the world.
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Alénibọ́rọ̀ ni aláròká
5. UK Pound Sterling (1 GBP = 1.64 USD)
Currency of United Kingdom is pound sterling which is officially known as pound. Further pound is subdivided into 100 pence. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is commonly known to be United Kingdom (UK).London is capital of UK. Pound sterling is the fifth most valuable currency in the world and it’s denoted by (GBP). Value of 1 GBP is equal to 1.64 USD.

6. Jordanian Dinar (1 JOD =1.41 USD)
Jordan may lack water and crude oil but the Mideast kingdom has one thing going for it – a strong currency. From 1927 to 1950, the Palestine Currency Board issued Palestine pound as the official currency in both Palestine and the Trans-Jordan Emirate, according to Wikipedia. When Jordan became independent in 1946, the country wanted its own currency and Jordanian dinar became the kingdom’s official currency.

7. European Euro (1 EUR = 1.37 USD)
Officially introduced in 1999, the multinational Euro didn’t begin changing hands until January 2001. After a rocky start, the Euro has gained on the dollar for years. The currency is the official currency of eurozone that comprises of 17 countries. Some these include Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, and Spain. The currency is the second largest reserve currency as also the second most traded in the world.

8. Azerbaijan Manat (1 Manat = 1.28 USD)
After gaining independence in 1991, Azerbaijan became a member of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Islamic Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank. The banking system of Azerbaijan consists of the Central Bank of Azerbaijan, commercial banks and non-banking credit organizations.

9. Cayman Islands Dollar (1 KYD = 1.22 USD)
With no direct taxation, the islands thrive as an offshore financial center, with hundreds of banks, insurers and mutual funds. One Cayman Islands Dollar equals $1.22 US. The earlier currency used in Cayman Islands was Jamaican dollar, which was replaced in 1972. On the islands, the US dollar is accepted as legal currency.

10. Switzerland franc (1 Franc = 1.12 USD)
Switzerland has a stable, prosperous and high-tech economy. In 2011, it was ranked as being the wealthiest country in the world in per capita terms (with 'wealth' being defined to include both financial and non-financial assets). It has the world's nineteenth largest economy by nominal GDP and the thirty-sixth largest by purchasing power parity. It is the twentieth largest exporter, despite its size. Switzerland has the highest European rating in the Index of Economic Freedom 2010, while also providing large coverage through public services.

Top 10 Mistakes Some Guys Make About Girls

Top 10 Mistakes Some Guys Make About Girls

1) Reading too much into her niceness: Trust me,just cos she helped you get what u wanted doesn't mean she's interested in you,I know a couple of nice ladies that are so nice you'd think they're hitting on you,but rather than go ahead and be like 'I love you' go and be like 'are you totally the nicest girl ever or are u hitting on me',its the safest,non awkward way of knowing,if she likes u,or just being nice like she always is with every other dude.

2) Forming Baddest guy ever liveth: Girls can read guys,at least through experience with other guys,and when she smells fake,you'd just hear the door slam,u won't even see her back. I mean what's the fact of knowing you,if u just forming someone else? And honestly,only immature girls like bad guys,or good guys formin bad guys,mature ones want a guy who's real and would love her,appreciate her,and not have to be rude.

3) Be Sir Bragalot,yeah Bragging all the time: We know you got the latest phone,and drive a range rover sport,but not every girl is after money,well 80% of them are after rich dudes,the remaining 20% are the rich ones,or the ones from rich families or broke one with some dignity,so basically if she's anything like the above mentioned then,don't be the rich guy,be the nice guy,and the wealth would just be an add-on,or perks to dating u.

4) Say some ugly stuffs about a girl's appearance:
Yeah! All girls don't look like Megan Fox but don't joke or even talk about the wart on their face,or how chubby,fat or plumb you think they're,trust me they know they're fat,but talking about it just makes them feel bad,too bad I might say.

5) Deny,Deny,Deny: Dude, if she caught you with your hand in another girl's cookie jar (wink wink) you know what I mean,hehehehehee,if she sees your hand in the wrong part of another girls body,don't lie bro,and deny knowing the girl you're caught with,guys ehn! Stop lying and be a man, bro. Seriously, you've the guts to cheat but don't have the guts to admit it? That's chicken.

6) Saying 'I love you' all the time: Yeah,most guys think that 'I love you' is the sure fire way to get that any girl to fall for them,but trust me bro,its not,just as you're telling her that,another guy is telling her that on facebook,and another one is telling her the same thing on whatsapp,do u think she fancies that word much? Change the tactic a little,like first get to know her really well,then go on a few dates,and just make her happy,but when you decide to say it,make sure she's in a good mood,or feeling good about herself,say it at the right time,mehn,I guarantee you,'At least' a long kiss at the end of the day.

7) Talk about 'you know who',that's right your ex: She has impressive bosoms,and nice body,but talking about her is straight weird and rude. Don't mention it,but when a prospective girlfriend bring up a topic about your ex(cos they always do) just be like 'It didn't work out' even if u dumped her Bottom,cos u just didn't fancy her anymore,don't say it,just be like 'it was a tough decision,but we knew we were gonna have to make it,no hard feelings though,we both agreed to it'. You gatto be neutral,cos if u be too nice,the girl would assume u still like ur ex,and if u be too rude,they'd assume you'd talk abt them in the same manner,if they end up being ur ex,so think abt it.

8) Say bad things about her in front of her friends: Trust me,when you say bad poo abt her,how she doesn't sleep,just be up all night chatting with weird dudes on 2go,or maybe how she drinks so much in the club that you'd have to carry her home. because if u make fun of her in front of her friends,her friends won't stop making fun of her,you know her fremenies,yeah,its like setting her on fire while her friends carry buckets of kero to add to the fire,not cool,she's gonna hate u.

9) Joking about everything: No girl will take u serious if u joke about everything,from important things to none important ones,there's a limit to the number of times you're allowed to joke,I'm actually guilty of this,joking a lot. My sarcasm is dangerous.

10) Be a play boy or most guys will call it being a player: Its fun,every attractive guy has done it once before,but when you play with one girl,that one girl tells a bunch of friends and a bunch of friends tells other bunch of friends and the information keeps passing,its bad for your love reputation,because at some point we all gatto fall in love,and trust me it will suck,if u find your one true love and she's afraid of committing to u cos she's scared u might use and dump her like u did with tons of other girls, its just not worth it bro.

Flamingoes Secure Quarter Final Ticket At Fifa U-17 Women’s World Cup

Nigeria came from a goal down to beat Colombia 2-1 in their second game of the Fifa U17 Women’s World Cup played at the Estadio Alejandro Morera in Alajuela on Thursday morning.
Goals from Joy Bokiri and Uchenna Kanu propelled the Flamingoes to victory after the Colombians had taken the lead in the third minute through Angie Rodriguez.
Fabian Tarborda’s girls needed a win against the Africans to stand any chance of progressing to the last eight of the competition after losing 4-0 to Mexico in their first game. They did not disappoint as they raced into the lead three minutes after kick off.
Nancy Acosta's well tailored cross reached Rodriguez who headed past a trapped goalkeeper Onyinyechukwu Okeke for the curtain raiser.
Knowing the imminent danger ahead, the Flamingoes stepped up their game and dominated every department of the match and soon got the deserved equaliser in the 26th minute with Bokiri curling in a free-kick from the edge of the penalty area.

Nkiyu’s girls could have doubled their lead few minutes later but Ihuoma Onyebuchi’s effort from distance rattled the opponents' crossbar. Nigeria continued to dominate but their major undoing was poor finishing coupled with master saves by Colombia’s goalkeeper Monica Florez who was superb in goal for the South Americans.
Kanu ensured Nigeria secured maximum points when her strike 14 minutes into the second half condemned the Colombians to their second defeat of the competition.
Despite posting a five-star performance, the duo of Ihuoma Onyebuchi and Ayomide Anibaba were cautioned by referee Mirian Leon of Slovenia and must avoid being booked again in Nigeria’s last group game else they will miss the quarter final.
Nigeria face Mexico to fight for top place in the group in their last group game scheduled for Monday 3am (Nigeria time) at the Estadio Nacional de Costa Rica in San Jose. The Mexicans had earlier in the day spanked China PR 4-0 to reach the quarter final of the competition.

Jonathan Orders Moro To Refund N1,000 Fee To Immigration Job Seekers, New Recruitment Exercise to Be Conducted

Jonathan Orders Moro To Refund N1,000 Fee To Immigration Job Seekers, New Recruitment Exercise to Be Conducted

President Goodluck Jonathan has reportedly ordered embattled Minister of Interior, Abba Moro, to refund the N1,000 application fee collected from job seekers who wrote the ill fated Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS) aptitude test that turned sour last weekend.

While speaking with reporters after the weekly Federal Executive Council, Nigeria’s minister of information, Labaran Maku also announced it has canceled the recruitment exercise, that a panel has been set up to conduct another recruitment exercise. That President Jonathan also ordered three employment slots be left
open for the families of those who died during the Saturday recruitment exercise conducted by the Nigerian Immigration Service, that immediate employment be offered to injured victims who are still receiving treatment in various hospitals across the nation.

There has been an increased clamor for the minister in charge of the recruitment exec rise be fired. However,
a Presidency source told SaharaReporters that the minister, Abba Moro is a close ally and nominee of the Senate President, David Mark making it impossible for President Jonathan to fire him from office.

British Grandmother Claims Semen Is The Best Anti-Aging Product

British grandmother claims semen is the best anti-aging product

A UK grandmother, Stella Ralfini, (pictured above) says her wrinkle-free face is all thanks to a semen therapy which she does on her face by applying semen from her lover after sexual intercourse.
Stella, 67, said she learnt the bizarre anti-aging method while in India studying a unique sexual therapy called Tantra. According to her, all you need is a lover with healthy sperm residue..
"All you need is a lover but if you don't have one you know what to do. All you need to do is just ten days or two weeks, you both should have a nice time and make sure he has a great time, and when your beautiful love making session is over, you are going to scoop this amazing sperm mask in your finger, apply it all over your face, leave it for fifteen minutes and then wash off. I know some of you are thinking "What is she saying?!" but we have to assume that your lover is a healthy clean man and eats wells.

Lol. Now which man put grandma Stella up to this? Funnily, she's not the only one who believes in this therapy. Actress Heather Locklear, 51, in a recent interview told a reporter that the secret to her youthful look was as a result of semen on face therapy. Continue...

UK Mirror reports that research has however proven Stella and Heather right in the usefulness of semen as an anti-aging substance. Research shows that the Human semen is rich in anti-oxidant, proteolytic proteins that helps to diminish aging lines on faces and helps to destroy dead layers on skin, revealing a more fresher skin layer.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Things You Never Realized Everyone Else Does Too

1. On a road trip, you start to think of the other cars as your travel companions, and feel a tinge of sadness when you exit the highway.

2. You immediately go back and read an email right after you hit send.

3. You’d rather take an inferior parking spot and walk than stress yourself out looking for the perfect spot.

4. When you take a shower, you make a bucket with your arms to catch as much water as you can and splash it all onto the shower floor.

5. Long phone call- You start pacing around the house.

6. You procrastinate when getting into the shower, but hate getting out once you’re in.

7. You spell out Wednesday like Wed-nes-day in your head when you’re writing it. Also Feb-ru-ary.

8. You get lost in thought while reading, but don’t notice until you’re three pages past where you stopped paying attention.

9. When you’re in a store where you’re not planning on buying anything, you start to get paranoid that security thinks you’re a shoplifter.

10. You rehearse arguments in your head, just in case it should ever come up.

11. You set your alarm earlier than you need to so you can hit the snooze button several times.

12. You always feel relieved when you get home and nobody else is there.

13. Sometimes you check (just one more time) to make sure you can’t actually move things with your mind.

14. You start reading interesting things on the internet and just stop a third of the way through because you lose patience.

15. You need to check behind the shower curtain every time you go in the bathroom.

16. And weirdly you still need to double-check that there’s no one behind you even when you’re looking in the bathroom mirror.

17. You OFTEN feel phantom phone vibrations in your pocket even when your phone didn’t vibrate.

18. You get nervous about making small talk with hairdressers.

19. You sometimes talk to people as if they already had the context of what was going on inside your head.

20. You feel guilty that you’re not helping when a repair guy is fixing something in your house.

21. You immediately forget someone’s name right after they’ve introduced themselves.

How To Improve Your English Language Skills

In order to study abroad, you will need to possess satisfactory English skills. This is a key requirement, not just for employment but also so you can understand and keep up with the course material. Remember, you will be studying at a higher level than before, under some of the greatest minds in your field, in the world. Therefore, your English skills must be strong so you can do your very best academically.

You will have to take an English language test if English is not your mother tongue. There are a few to choose from, each with their own emphasise on different areas of language. You should find out from your university which they would prefer you to take, as well as their acceptance scores.

You should prepare for this test well in advance, practising your English skills at every opportunity beforehand. Here are 3 ways you can practise your English without having to read a boring textbook:

Converse with English Speakers
If you know someone who is fluent in English or has strong English skills, resist the temptation to speak to them in your mutual language. Push yourself to speak English with them so you can work on your skills. Tell them why you are doing this, so they can insist you speak to them in English too. Ask them to correct you at every opportunity.
Watching Movies
While watching American or English films, pretend you are in the film yourself and reply in English to characters. Don't use subtitles or watch with audio in your own language. This way, you can improve your skills while stillenjoying yourself in your personal time. Plus, watching Hollywood films will give you points of reference so you can start conversations with other students when you arrive in your study destination.
Think in English
Think in English! If you're watching something in your own language, consider what the lines would be in English. If two people are talking nearby in your language, consider how what they're saying would translate to in English. If you see a sign in your language, rearrange into English or how it would be presented in English. Use every opportunity to "see English" so you no longer view improving your English skills as homework; instead, think of it as improving yourself.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

10 Professionals That Are In Low Demand Or Endangered

Today, there is no field of expertise that has
not been greatly demystified and sometimes threatened by the momentous
advancement in science and technology. A simple search on or
or yahoo search, will connect you to the intricacy of intricacies.
From law to finance, medicine to engineering, optometry to
dentistry, government to religion, pharmaceuticals to production in general,
technology; especially the web, has threatened them all. What is
more? It has really crippled a number of them and exterminated some
in toto.
This article is an attempt at exposing some jobs that are
receiving the biggest blows today by market demand and technological
advancements. This article will help professionals gain financial insurance by
either evolving with time or swapping careers. Without bothering you
with words, let us get on with things. In no particular order, the
list is as follows.


If not for a parcel I received sometime last year from China (thanks to Nairaland), I
would not have known that the NiPost is still functional. However,
the insalubrious condition of post offices in this country may not be
too distant from the cause of the average postal worker's penury. Ever
since emails came online and courier services proliferated, the postal
worker has almost gone into extinction. You need to experience the
ghostly serenity of an average post office. Some even resemble

Typists were in vogue in the pre-computer era and well into the late
twentieth century. But, the twenty-first century did not smile on
typists. Come to think of it; why punch hard keys when screen touch
technology can save you the stress? When last did you even see a
typewriting machine?


Gone are the days many people spend up to #200 to read newspapers
daily. It is a matter of just a few clicks and you are reading them
online no matter the company in question. What then happens to the
vendor and deliverer? The vendor is simply struggling to get by and the deliverer is
all but eliminated.


Technology has just murdered this job. Since books are taking soft
copy forms now, the hard copies are getting anachronistic. People
would rather download books online or read from online libraries - especially if they can reach a PC than
trek to libraries. And how many youths want to read?


People now use their credit cards to do their travel bookings
online without passing through the hurdles of contacting agents. Some
of these top guys have their private jets. You know who I mean right?


They work in companies and their job is to receive incoming calls
from customers or clients and offer necessary assistance as well as connect calls. This used to
be good work. But today, these services are now automated. Just call
any of these major companies and it is almost certain that a robot
will attend to you. Have you tried calling MTN customer care hotline
lately? Permit me to LOL!


In a world where your credit card or normal ATM card is an
invaluable weapon, you can sit in your room and buy from any online store like jumia or konga or any international store. The beautiful thing about this is that you get your
stuff delivered to you at home. If you decide to try a supermarket,
you will most likely see a checkout machine that will do the necessary
calculation of the transaction. All you need is a credit card.


This professional is an expert in short hand. Yes! Short hand; what scribble can be more complex than it. There was a time
that knowledge of Pitman's shorthand was a sure route to a decent
income. This was the delight of secretaries. That was years ago;
today, there is a plethora of gadgets that can record and even video
conversations or proceedings. The truth is that I have never seen a
stenographer before. Perhaps that perhaps may be a proof of its ostensible
professional oblivion.


This job still spills forth serious cash today and even till
tomorrow. The thing about it is that anyone can do it. It is not exclusive. So, the agents should integrate other options to it.


Their accounts swell during exam applications, result checking and printing of documents. Browsing, which (I think) is the major reason for running a cybercafe, can now be done with one's mobile gadgets. Some people even own complete systems at home while the others use the mobile browsers. Consider the fact that 755 million of Facebook's 1 billion users connect via mobile.

In general, all professionals should flow with time to avoid elimination or obscurity. N/B: There are always exceptions!


Tips For Getting Postgraduate Scholarship Abroad

It is no news that the current rate of unemployment in Nigeria is alarming. Last week alone, about 7-10 youths lost their lives while trying to get into the stadium to write the aptitude tests organised by the Nigerian Immigration service. My last article focused on making the best use of university days in an attempt to discourage searching for jobs which are not currently available. A viable option is to seek additional qualifications abroad so as to widen the job search spectrum; more so an additional qualification abroad gives you an edge over your colleagues in the job search. This week, I will also share some tips on what you need to know to secure a postgraduate admission abroad:

1) The one-year rule: Always start the application process one year in advance at a minimum. For fall admissions (August/September), many schools start making their decisions as early as in December of the previous year. More so, funding/scholarship applications have very early deadlines. To be on the safe side, send in your applications early using the one-year rule.

2) Mentorship: Look out for mentors – usually senior colleagues who have trodden the same path as your intended path. They surely will give you all the tips regarding scholarship opportunities, personal statements and acing the GRE/GMAT. In short, virtually everything you need to know. I always prefer seeking advice from mentors (who have gone through the system) to reading “fancy statements” on the website of graduate schools about how excellent the program is.

3) Safety: In simple words: don’t put all your eggs in one basket. I mean apply to the “good”, the “bad” and the “ugly” schools! Even though you might not be lucky to secure an admission to the crème de la crème (such as Ivy League schools), averagely ranked schools might offer more funding/scholarship opportunities and might give you an opportunity to prove yourself in the international community. You could always switch to another school later on once you have found your feet.

4) Watch out for good ambassadors: Ambassadors are alumni who have done (or are doing) extremely well in grad school. I will share an example to illustrate this fact: One of my mentors who finished his PhD in the University of Arkansas did so well that at least four graduates of OAU were admitted to the grad school as a result of his outstanding academic achievements. We are now in the internet age; you can network/cyber shake with virtually anyone via facebook, LinkedIn, and other social networking sites. I have networked with at least a thousand unknown people all over the world whom I have learnt a lot from – thanks to the social media.

5) Expand your options geographically: Don’t be misled that UK and United States are the only places to pursue a postgrad! For the US or UK, remember that without a scholarship or a graduate assistantship, it is virtually impossible to pay your school fees except your dad is a “Dangote” or a Nigerian politician. There are many great locations which offer free tuition like Sweden, Norway, and Denmark and also offer funding/scholarship opportunities. I will not forget to talk about Canada: a country offering excellent postgraduate education, funding/scholarship, employment and possible citizenship for many international students.

6) Preparation! Preparation! Preparation: My favourite tip! If America is your preferred route, the only trick to smashing the GRE/GMAT is preparation, preparation and preparation. Prior to August 2011, even first class graduates didn’t score more than 1100-1200 without adequate preparation. Not sure whether the format for the verbal section in GRE has changed but I recall that if you ever needed to get a high score in the 1450-1550 range, you needed to memorise at least a 3500-word list in test preparation booklets such as “Barons”. Look for the books- Barons, Kaplan, ETS etc….Ignorance is not an excuse not to smash the GRE/GMAT. The higher your score, the greater your chances of getting into the graduate program/school of your choice.

7) SOPs (Personal statements): This is an opportunity to demonstrate your unique abilities and sell yourself to the graduate selection panel. Why the school? Why the program? Any non-academic achievements such as leadership, sportsmanship, team-work, that will make you stand out in the application process? Any past projects (academic, non-academic that demonstrate your technical and non-technical abilities? Any indicators to measure success? I know at least three people with average GRE scores and college grades that got admitted into top-ranked grad schools solely because of their outstanding essays. A word of caution -Plagiarism is an abomination! Even though you can have a look at award winning SOPs, trying to copy them is the surest way not to get admitted.

8) Good References: References on your CV are also extremely valuable. Look for a variety of referees from academic to work to project to non-academic related (leadership, team-working skills etc). Never select multiple referees who only make mention of the same quality/ability you possess. A simple rule is to select three referees: one academic, one project/work based and one non-technical who will describe your leadership, team-work or sportsmanship attributes.

9) Research advisors: One of the secrets many people will never tell you! Make the best use of the internet! The emails and resumes of majority of graduate school advisors flood the internet. Do your home-work. Find out research interests of advisors, checking out interesting projects they have worked on or are currently working on. You can also get a glimpse of how much grants are allocated to them for research. Feel free to send them an email and tell them you will like to work with them. This gives you an edge in getting funding/scholarship and recommendation from advisors during the final selection panel.

In summary, there is a no “one-size-fits-all” solution. . Getting admission into a grad school of your choice is always a combination of good undergraduate grades, GRE/GMAT scores, personal statements (SOPs), references, and recommendation from a graduate advisor.
Now what? What do you do while waiting for a decision from the admission committee? Never stay idle. Keep applying for jobs, developing other skill sets which could help improve your CV; join charity groups, develop a sport, learn a language, start a business. The list is endless…Just make sure the brain cells are not going into hibernation…