Monday 24 February 2014

Predicted Features To Be On The Next Whatsapp Update

Predicted Features To Be On The Next Whatsapp Update

Few days ago, my WhatsApp failed to send nor receive messages. I could only come to a conclusion that Facebook had started their business. It’s obvious that there will be modifications or changes on our favourite instant messaging app, but we are not sure of what changes will be made. Before thinking of ditching or getting over excited for WhatsApp here are a few changes or predicted features that might be applied on WhatsApp.

Addition of some privacy features:
Of course we all know how Mack loves his privacy, I’m not too sure in what part of WhatsApp this feature is going to be in but I’m quite sure there will be some sort of privacy settings on the next update on WhatsApp

Integration of WhatsApp messages on
This is one feature I’m most certainly sure will happen, users will be able to go through their Facebook messages on WhatsApp and likewise. We also will be able to send messages to Facebook from WhatsApp.

Theme Colour:
The green theme colour and all then other minimalistic background designs on WhatsApp might all phase away. We all know Facebook loves the blue colour with a touch of miniature imagery. That will be applied on WhatsApp as they desire.

Ads supported, of course:
This I’m also very sure of, definitely WhatsApp will start displaying ads, after all that’s what the Facebook team does best.

Integration of WhatsApp user profile with both Facebook and Instagram:
WhatsApp has only been allowed to upload one profile picture at a time without saving it for later viewing, those of you using WhatsApp know what I mean. But with the integration of Instagram, photos of both you and friends can be viewed at anytime anywhere.

IM messaging with Instagram followers:
About a million people have already downloaded the app “insta-message” on the Playstore, but the truth we all know is that it doesn’t work. No developer has cone up with a solution to integrate Instagram with an IM. Now with the purchase of WhatsApp that will seem to come into reality.

Special WhatsApp package plans for small and large businesses.:
Just the way Facebook for business was launched, and how businesses choose to use Twitter as a good marketing platform, the same will be applied on WhatsApp, and this time around it might just be termed, WhatsApp for business smiley. No better name for it.

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