Monday 17 February 2014

How To Repair Your PC With A CD

How To Repair Your PC With A CD

Our PC will always have one problem or
the other that will need a repair.
Sometimes we may not have a CD to
use. Or even if you do i’ll show you
today how to repair your PC without a
• First thing to do is Click on START and
after that RUN Type webfldrs.msi(without quote)

1. This will immediately start the needed
process to repair any window’s
problems. Follow all the instructions
that follows.

2. You will see a screen come up. On
that screen choose: SELECT REINSTALL

3. After doing that a new window will
appear. When it appears. Simply put
check marks,I mean ‘tick’ all the
options and then go ahead and click

4. At this point you will need to wait a
few minutes so you can just have a
break with a cup of tea while it

5. When this process gets
completed, you will be asked RESTART
your PC. Restart it.

6. Following this simple steps would
have made you revive your PC and
fix all the problems without having
Give it a trial...

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